Just look up and reach to the sky, we all have the courage to fly! (comments welcome)

I'm planning on following the Hal Higdon advanced 5k plan https://www.halhigdon.com/training-programs/5k-training/advanced-5k/ I'm also open to other suggestions. I found with my last training plan, I really enjoyed the workouts with more speed work/faster paces, and really looked forward to those, so I'm hoping to incorporate them more without going too far that it causes injury. The good news is that I've learned from past mistakes, and will actually stop if I think it's too much stress on my body.

And yes, after the 5k, I'll be changing my focus from running to strength training. I'll just need to find the balance where I'm still doing some running, so I'm not starting from scratch when it comes to training for Wine and Dine.

So you peaked at 4.5 hrs in the 10 miler training plan (with then two taper weeks around 3 hrs) with a 10 mile long run (105 min).

Week 3 of the Higdon Advanced plan takes 35 min + 40 min + off + 35 min + off + 45 min + 70 min = 230 min = about 4hrs

Week 7 of the Higdon Advanced plan takes 35 min + 45 min + off + 45 min + off + 54 min + 90 min = 270 min = about 4.5hrs

So it looks like you'll hang around the peak volume you did during your 10 miler training plan, but do so across most all weeks instead of only hitting it once. So yes, the training load for this plan will be higher on a 6 week rolling value than where you ended on the last training plan. This is appropriate volume and appropriately bridged. You should come off this training plan nearing race peaking. So I think you made a good choice of plan.

Be sure to read the Higdon instructions carefully. "Tempo" is actually just a progression (like easy + 5-10 min at 10k pace + easy). I defined Higdon "fast" as something around HM Tempo to M Tempo (9:00-9:30) based on your last plan.
So you peaked at 4.5 hrs in the 10 miler training plan (with then two taper weeks around 3 hrs) with a 10 mile long run (105 min).

Week 3 of the Higdon Advanced plan takes 35 min + 40 min + off + 35 min + off + 45 min + 70 min = 230 min = about 4hrs

Week 7 of the Higdon Advanced plan takes 35 min + 45 min + off + 45 min + off + 54 min + 90 min = 270 min = about 4.5hrs

So it looks like you'll hang around the peak volume you did during your 10 miler training plan, but do so across most all weeks instead of only hitting it once. So yes, the training load for this plan will be higher on a 6 week rolling value than where you ended on the last training plan. This is appropriate volume and appropriately bridged. You should come off this training plan nearing race peaking. So I think you made a good choice of plan.

Be sure to read the Higdon instructions carefully. "Tempo" is actually just a progression (like easy + 5-10 min at 10k pace + easy). I defined Higdon "fast" as something around HM Tempo to M Tempo (9:00-9:30) based on your last plan.
Thank you. I didn't want to bother you with an in between plan, so it's reassuring to hear that I'm on the right track!
Long time, no update.

My lovely children decided to take turns being sick after my last update, which meant I wasn't getting any sleep. Then they so graciously got me sick. While I've gotten a lot better about going to the doctor/physio for running injuries, I'm still not great at going if I'm sick. So after two weeks of things only getting worse, I finally gave in and went to the doctor. I got put on antibiotics for strep, and unsurprisingly, started feeling better in a few days. But that completely threw off my training plan.

I ended up not doing the 5k, and have decided to focus on cross training instead. Next week, I'm starting a Peloton power zone training challenge. I couldn't give up running though, so I chose a 2 ride/2 run plan. I redid my FTP test, and somehow increased my FTP by over 20%. No idea how, since I've maybe been on the bike 2 times in the last year+

E's Training Update

I think I'll also give some updates on my son's training. He's 6, and is signed up to run his 3rd runDisney race at Wine and Dine.
He started his "season" by doing a kids 1km run on Sunday. I'm annoyed my Garmin didn't track it, but I had to work to keep up with him. I'm worried that the day where I can't keep up with him is coming sooner than I thought...
We started training yesterday. We're loosely following the Galloway training plan on runDisney, but I'm likely going to add some "speed" workouts, since he really likes going fast.
We were supposed to do 10 minutes, but I mostly let him lead the way, with him asking me which way would be longer. We ended up out for 20 minutes, doing 45s run/30s walk intervals.
First week of Power Zone challenge is done. It was hard to fit it all in. Work got crazy - some 3am wake ups were not appreciated, but I got it done.

M - 45min PZ endurance ride
F - 30min run - 2.48mi @ 12:04 pace. I could tell I was tired from work, because this run felt HARD
S - 30min PZ endurance ride
S - 45min run - 3.93mi @ 11:25 pace. Lots of running uphill at 2-3% incline, which made this run slightly more challenging than a usual easy run.

I'm hoping this week to be able to add an additional run in, and do 3 10 minute strength sessions. My parents are coming to visit us starting tomorrow, so we'll see what I can fit in.

E's Training Update
Our plan for E is to run Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. I got home on Tuesday after waking up at 3am and staying at work until almost 5, and he immediately asks to go for his training run. I love that he's so into it, so I forced myself to get dressed and go out. I unfortunately had to skip on Thursday's run though, since I was too tired.

T - 0.96mi @ 12:31 pace. Average run pace was 10:52, and 16:48 recovery
Sat - plan called for 1.5mi, but he wanted to run past his friends house, so we did 2.03mi @ 12:43 pace. Run was 10:58, and recovery was 16:57.


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