It's Carnival Time, and everybody's having fun!


DIS Veteran
Jun 10, 2018
Thought I'd try a short trip report. Still recuperating from our spring break trip last week, whew. We enjoyed lots of theme park fun, and I really enjoyed quality time with the kiddos, which is much harder to do now that DD is off at college, and DS is a junior in high school, and almost always on his computer...DH didn't come, so just me and the kids. I drove from middle TN, and wow, new respect for my husband who generally does all the driving on these trips. I haven't done this long of a drive since 2011.
Left Friday before last, but had to wait for DS to get out of school. It was the end of the quarter, so he wanted to make sure he didn't miss anything. I thought he might need to get 'sick' midway through the day , so we could get on the road, but he's a good kid. DH had picked up DD from college in Chattanooga. We were on the road by 3:30. Do need to add that I can't see well to drive at night, nor can I see well to drive in the when the torrential downpour hit after sunset in Birmingham, I knew it was time to pull over, so didn't get all that far. Next morning, Waze took me some absolutely ridiculous way on the backroads of Alabama. I am very familiar with southern Alabama, all of my family, both sides, are from a little town down, just not a fan of all the curvy, hilly backroads.
Finally made it to Orlando after 6PM Saturday. Very slow, crawling traffic from Ocala on down. Our first leg of the trip was Disney. We're DVC, so Disney stays are typically DVC villas, unless we're out of points. THrew our stuff into the SSR 1 bedroom, and headed to the bus stop for Epcot. My goal was at least 1 ride, AND especially seeing Berlin in concert. Loved them back in the early 80s.
I'd also gotten up early Sat AM, 7 AM, and made a virtual queue for the Guardians of the Galaxy Cosmic Rewind ride. 2 rides at Disney still utilize VQ, Guardians and Tron. I'd heard they were lenient on Guardians if you miss your return time, and sure enough, ours had expired, but the very nice CM let us through. But , DD and I decided to skip the ride and head to the concert. Good choice for us, as DS waited about an hour. That queue can back up a lot as the day goes on. Fabulous concert, then got a few things to eat, then back to SSR.
Epcot Flower and Garden Festival is going on, and it's my favorite Epcot festival. Lots of beautiful flowers and character topiaries throughout the park, and great food booths, and good concerts.
I'll try and add some pictures all along, but that's the start of the fun.
Next day: more Epcot. Didn't rope drop, but did get another GotG VQ. Went to Epcot mainly for that, and whatever else we might get to ride. But this is also where we statrted splitting up a bit more. DS and I rode Spaceship Earth, DD went off to take pictures, eat. then DS and I sampled some food booths. DS back to room, then DD and I met up for one of the MOST important reasons for this trip
RICK SPRINGFIELD!! I re-arranged our trip , flipped the Disney and Universal portions, to make sure I could see him. I only saw 3 concerts growing up, but 1 of them was Rick Springfield in Baton Rouge, in 1985. He's still got it!I got to the first show too late, was SRO outside of the pavilion seating area, and since I"m 4'11", I didn't see much. But DD and I immediately got in line after that for the second concert. It stretched back to the Italy pavilion, but we got in and got really good seats. SO much fun! full of Gen-X ladies all going nuts. He even came into the audience for the song The Human Touch. was on the row right in front of us!
After concert, I took the Skyliner to Hollywood studios, to get a few rides done at closing. The Skyliner is a fun experience all on its own, although we did stop for a while over the highway, sat there just bobbing. Met DS there, and we did a few things. but he didnt' make it on Tower of Terror, which is one of his favorites. I do NOT ride that ride. I dont' like dropping in the dark.
I LOVE Toy Story Mania and enjoy Millenium Falcon ride. We often do single rider, but sometimes we'll wait and ask to be pilot. On our first trip to Batuu, my favorite child let me be pilot the first time we rode it. I got to pull back and fly into hyperspace. Dream come true. I might've shed a tear or two....But most of the time, I'm good just being engineer, doing the single rider line, I love watching the other families reactions etc. We'd hope to get on Rise/Resistance right at closing, but were just a few mins too late. Missed it this trip.
Bused back to Saratoga. Honestly, SSR is one of our last choices for DVC resorts, it's not convenient, and there are 5 internal bus stops...and we were at the last one this trip. But it was the only resort available for early in the week. Now, if not doing parks, it would be very nice, and it's close to Disney Springs, and getting off property, and the rooms are lovely, and great pools, but I dont' plan to stay there again any time soon.


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I know this is a Univeral trip report area, so won't go on and on about Disney. It ended up being an Epcot heavy trip, mostly for the concerts, festival food, and Guardians. I think Guardians is everyone's favorite ride right now. I STILL haven't gotten Conga as the ride song yet. I've had all the others, and love them all except Everybody Wants to Rule the World. I like the song and Tears for Fears, but dont' enjoy it on the ride.
Monday, DD and I did rope drop Hollywood Studios. DS woudln't get up! I'm surprised DD did, but she was intent on riding ToT. I kinda forgot she hadn't come on our October trip last year, and DS did, so it had been a lot longer for her. She took the bus. I missed it, so I drove to HS. It wasn't nearly as bad of a drive as I'd thought. It has been many years since I've driven/parked at one of the Disney parks.
DId a few rides. We got a TIE score on Toy Story Mania, which is think is crazy. Also, got to meet the Mandalorian and Grogu. They meet just outside of the Marketplace in Black Spire outpost, and the times are in the app. That was cool.
Back to room to freshen up to meet my cousin at Bahama Breeze. Loved visiting, I don't get to see my family very often, and this cousin is always so fun. She's lived in Orlando since the 60s. and her sister too, but missed the other cousins this trip. And was very close/easy to get to Bahama Breeze. Finished Monday up at Animal Kingdom, I'd splurged and actually bought lightning lanes for the kids to ride Flight of Passage, I thought it was worth the money. THey rode a few things. I took bus to Epcot for late night hours, 9-11. THey joined later, We had another Guaridans ride. THey do a special drop for late night hours.
Tuesday-moving day. packed up and with 4 minutes to spare, got out of SSR, and moved over to the Wilderness Lodge/Copper Creek Villas. Been wanting to stay here for years, and kept checking availability, and lucked out with 2 nights. BEAUTIFUL resort. Loved everything about it! Hope to stay there again.
First time missing a VQ drop, did not get Tron that morning, bummer. But we went to MK to be in the park, try to get the 1PM VQ. For the 7AM drop, you dont' have to be in the parks, for the 1PM drop, you do. PITA. This is when we really started to feel the heat, and crowds. MAN was MK crowded. I don't think I"ve ever seen so many people in Tomorrowland. I have had to hold on to my party and shuffle along in Fantasyland before, on Thanksgiving, but not TOmorrowland. crazy.
Got Tron for later, went to Fort Wilderness to check out the horse stables there. Been wanting to do this for a while too. It was nice seeing all the DIsney horses there. Back to MK for Tron. Kids left first. I was waiting for luggage delivery, and went later. Kids and I waited in line separately, well over an hour for them, and for me.....well, ride broke down after I'd locked up my phone in the lockers. Tron is the only Disney rides that makes you do lockers, and while there is a spot on the ride bike for small things like a phone/glasses, I'd locked mine up.....after about 20 mins, I looked for anyone with a phone, who looked nice, to ask if I could borrow it, and texted DH to text the kids I was stuck on Tron, so they could just go ahead with whatever. Thankfully ride came up not that long after, but whole experience in line, etc. for me was almost 2 hours. Done w MK for the night!


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Wed was a quick day at MK just for Tron. DH got us Boarding group 1!!! so much for sleeping in....After that, kids mostly just wanted to rest. So I mobile ordered bison burgers from Geyser Point at the resort. DELICOUS. Highly recommend if staying at WL, or if you're just looking for yummy burger in the MK area. THere are boats that run between WL and MK, and we utilized those greatly. THey were all very nice, peaceful rides over the lake, very enjoyable way to get around.
Late night hours were that night at MK: 11-1 AM for deluxe resort guests, so rested up for that. got one more Tron ride, and a few other things, great ending.
THursday; Universal FINALLY! Headed that way, and passed a sign for Olive Garden.....had to stop. Kids were happy, that's DS's favorite restaurant, and we all just got the soup/salad. Saw lots of other great restaurants along that stretch of I-drive, so good to know what all is there.
Checked in Portofino....posted pictures in the Portofino hotel thread, so wont' elaborate too much on the construction, but it was way more than we anticipated. It also didn't help that driving in, the entire right lane leading to the hotel was blocked by 4-5 Viking charter buses. I don't why in the world they thought they could sit there like that. I finally followed a Universal bus and a bunch of other cars, into the left lane to go around.
Off to Universal for some Mardi Gras revelry. Express pass was so worth it. Walked right on Minions Blast, a very few mins wait for the Mummy, kids easily did RRR, then they went off to do Simpsons. I started sampling the Mardi Gras food and drink. Got my blinky cup, and a pastelon. Very good. Met up with kids at MiB, my favorite (with the Mummy,) got room ready text, so off we went to get stuff from parking garage. what a trek to the room. it was almost the last one at the end of the hall, and it didn't help, that after I'd gone just to put down my backpack, I walked all the way back to the lobby, but had forgotten my keys in the knees were not amused by the extra steps.
DD wanted to go to the pool, but I warned her, she only had like 30 mins, and needed to hurry to make the parade. DS didn't want to leave room, not even to go try VC, so I just went on Univeral by myself. I refilled the blinky cup with pina colada, so all was good. I found a really good spot, behind 2 garbage cans, across from the Transformers store. What a fabulous, fabulous parade. The entertainers, dancers, etc. were all so into it, just putting out the energy. And so were the float riders. I wish I'd worked a bit harder to try and get on a float, but maybe another time. It was great being a spectator. DD had found a spot by Minions. I met her after, and caught some of the end with her. Then we grabbed some food, 2 more schnitzels for DS, moqueca for DD, and a guava pastry for me, and walked back....not a fan of the long walk back, but boat dock was very full. Great night of Carnival fun!
Edited to add pictures, a few from the Tri Circle D ranch at Fort Wilderness, a few from the boat rides between Magic Kingdom and WL, and a few from Tron and Epcot


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Oh nice!!!! New TR!

Berlin and Rick Springfield....what`s not to love!

Isn`t WL just gorgeous, we`d happily stay there, good to know we can get a good burger.

You did a lot in a short time and sounds like a lot of fun, look forward to more!!
Just coming back to finish up the last bit of the TR. It's been a rather rough week, work is different. I do customer service for a government agency came back to find I was assigned to a different line that I haven't really done in a couple of years. extra stressful!
Also, we lost one our very, very dear, sweet, wonderful kitties this week. Scout joined our family almost 13 years ago, and has been the most wonderful companion. He'd been very sick these last couple of weeks, and was the main reason DH didn't go on this trip with us. He'll be so very, very greatly missed.
But to wrap up the TR....We had a late start Friday, and whew, by the time we got to IoA, it was hot and crowded. Went to VC at around 10:35, posted wait 140 mins....even in express , we ended up taking about 1 hour to ride. We stopped for a long time in the stables area.
The kids talked me into waiting for front row. WOWOWOWOW, that was awesome! I'd totally recommend doing that. We did Hulk next, another ride breakdown, stuck inside in a very, very stuffy, hot line for a bit, but fun. At this point, we're all getting a bit hangry. I got some pizza tots from Green Eggs and Ham, and got some plain tots for the kids. They did tell me plain tots would cost the same as the other tots, so just FYI, they are available plain, but a bit pricey.
DS and I then went to the AP lounge, and I got the new Epic Universe Tshirt. Then rode Jurassic Park River Adventure twice. I LOVE that ride. IT's very nostalgic, and one I remember from our earliest trips. Then Hogwarts express to Diagon Alley. Nothing else this trip in Hogsmeade. Met DD in Diagon, she was in a mood, she went off with her butter beer, while DS and I got in a verrry long line for Florian's. Until very recently, I'd always opted for interesting hard packed flavors, especially the clotted cream. But a couple of years back, I finally tried a bite of DH's softserve butter beer, and I'm a convert. I just HAVE to get that every time. and I don't like soft serve much, but it's just so good. Line for Gringotts was a bit long, so just hung out in Knockturn Alley for a few mins to escape the heat, (it's very nice, shady, and cool in there. DS is a Slytherin, so he always enjoys the darkness...)
We decided about then, we'd just head out. I considered getting another discounted food gift card, but passed. Mobile ordered from Voodoo Donuts. The kiosk was closed, so went in to pick up, and there was NO line at all, I mean like 2 other people ordering. It was oddly quiet. Took boat back to Portofino, passed DD who was walking along the path, and headed to the van to start the drive back. Ended up spending night in TIfton, GA Friday night, then drove the remainder home to TN on Sat. I am proud I made the trek through Atlanta, and got DD dropped off at college. Drive between Chattanooga and home was the most stressful, lots and lots of traffic, and the mountain passes are never fun with the 18 wheelers, but made it!
I wish it had ended on a more relaxing note, but when all is said and done, it was a fabulous trip, and loved spending the time with the kids and enjoying our happy places!
It's funny too, after I got home last Saturday, I thought, 'ok, I"m done for a while, ' and today, one week later, I"m checking AP rates for October. Haha!
Thanks for reading along, and as always, thanks to all who post on these Universal boards. IT's such a wonderful community!!


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Sorry to hear about your cat, very sad to lose your pet after such a long time.

But, you did have a lovely trip, you managed to do a lot with your time in both Disney and UOR. Love the shirt and I agree, soft serve Butterbeer is the bees knees!!

Spending time with family is always the best, thank you for taking the time to write about your trip, I enjoyed reading along with you and your families time together :wave2:


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