Going to WDW and getting around while having treatment.

Mackey Mouse

Me read the Navigator? I don't
May 21, 2000
I woke up thinking about this and how my husband's illness has affected us and how we are still planning on coming to WDW in Dec..

When we got the word that the cancer was back and we would have to gear up to do chemo again, him more especially than me, I am just the caretaker, we both thought can our week off be when we planned on going to WDW....

Has anyone gone to WDW battling this disease or any illness for that matter.....We did do it last time and requested that we put close to an elevator and close to the buses so that he does not have to walk too far, fatigue is such a great part of chemotherapy. Also, we were careful of eating, high fat foods are not good, and knew where all facitilities were....and hope that on this trip that we will be able to do somethings if nothing else just soak up the warm air and enjoy the magic. I am concerned as we will be at Saratogo Springs instead of our usual Boardwalk area hotels, but we will do the best we can....
Hi Marsha....
I'm so sorry to hear that your DH has another round of battle to face. But good for both of you to continue with your plans for a trip. :thumbsup2
I have not personally gone during treatment, but I'm going to alert my "survivor sistas" on the CB, and I know they will have thoughts and tips for you. And I do know, from the posts of MinnieM3 who ended her battle just a few weeks after her last trip this past summer....that the folks at WDW were most accommodating and helpful, as she ended up having to spend a good deal of her time in her room.
Saratoga Springs resort looks like it will be lovely for your trip. Enjoy your time together there at such a special time of year! :hug:
Marsha, this is second-hand, but a business associate of my husband took his wife to WDW toward the end of her battle with lung cancer. They stayed at the Poly and he made the staff aware of her condition before they arrived. He said he could not believe how wonderful the CM were to her and how much they helped. both at the resort and in the parks This has been about seven years ago and I cannot remember all the specifics but I think that if you let the front desk know they will be able to do things for you that you probably hadn't even thought of. My best goes to you and your husband during this trying time. Enjoy your trip.
Your post also made me think of MinnieM3 (we recently had a visit from her husband Jim on our thread so she is much on our minds). Even with the accomodations made for her, she was not able to enjoy herself. She went through some very difficult treatment for the tumors in her brain right before so her face was very swollen and she was in badh shape and bad spirits. However, the prospect of going did raise her spirits during the difficult months preceding the trip. Also, the went in July and it was really hot. She absolutely could not tolerate the heat.

You did not mention but if your trip is during cooler weather I think that would be immensely preferable.

I hope this works out. The WDW people tried mightily to change MinnieM# and her family to a monorail resort but it was during such a busy time they could not manage it. I was impressed with their compassion at the situation.

Best of luck to you,
MM, I'm sorry to hear about your husband. The only thing I can say is that when I was undergoing chemo I distinctly remember telling my DH one day when I was having trouble walking half a block, that "if someone were to give me a trip to WDW right now, I don't think I could do it". But that was just me and my experience. Everyone's different. We've heard many, many stories here of Dis-ers and their families going during treatment and doing just fine.

We were at CSR recently and enjoyed a lot of resort time. In fact DH and I agreed that from now on we're going to make it a point to do just that - it was so relaxing. Maybe he could just see how he feels each day and take it from there. If he feels fatigued, he could hang out at the resort for part of the day. If he has a little more energy and feels up to it, he could head out to the parks or elsewhere. So many choices, which I know is what we all love about WDW to begin with, right?

Good luck, I wish you a wonderful trip! :grouphug:
Dear Marsha,I don't have any advice to offer but I do hope that you and your hubby have a wonderful trip. :grouphug:
We went to WDW with my dd, 14, who had just over a month before our trip finished chemotherapy treatments that time. Some of the suggestions that I have if you go while on treatment besides getting a closer room.

Rent an EVC

Make sure to bring all meds, doctors names, phone numbers, ins. info, know the dates of the treatments, the types of chemotherapy drugs, etc. All the normal things hospitals want to know in case there is an emergency while there.

Make sure to bring hand sanitizer

Use extra sunscreen

Vacation at his pace and his pace only

Don't overplan

Make sure to pack the thermometer also to check for fevers and make sure he does not become neutropenic

I can't think of anything else at the moment, but I am sure I am missing something. We ended up losing our dd this past Aug., but I'm very happy we made the trip and we have the memories, I only wish my dd would have felt better while we were there.
Thank you so much for reaching out Tinan and giving that information.. I am so sorry to know that you lost your DD, but am glad to have you here for support and that you cared enough to give that support...I am also happy that she was able to have her trip and that you have these memories....HUgs

Thanks again..
Tinan, I'm terribly sorry to hear you lost your daughter. So glad you were able to enjoy your trip to WDW. :grouphug:
I was dx with breast cancer in Aug of 2004 started tx in Oct. Already had a trip to WDW in the works for Nov. 2004. My dr. worked around our 7 days away. I took it very slow, DH pushed me around in a WC. Try to stay out of the sun as much as possiable. They have a card you can get at Guest relations that let you wait in a shading area, sometimes they even let us in front of the line.

Good Luck and Prayers to you all that you get thur this battle.
Thank you very much! I truly hope you have a great time Marsha and he is feeling well enough to go. I don't want to bring you down at all, just take things day by day or sometimes even minute by minute.

P.S. We'll be there in Dec. as well. I already have my LGMH, but still have to laminate them with my screen name on them. If you see us, say hello :)
My DM was diagnosed with breast cancer over a year ago. She has completed chemo and just recently radiation. The radiation really zapped her big time! Our family has a major Disney World trip in one week from now. Well...Mom has not looked this great in a long time. I will bet you that she will outrun us and it will be us that will be looking for that bench to rest on.

May I suggest the Congress Park section of Saratoga Springs. It has a bus stop nearby, and has an awesome view of DTD for the evening. It also has its own quiet pool. Unlike some of the resorts, there are elevators for the higher floors. This will accomodate the EVC or short walks with no stairs.
Robin.. thank you, thank you for the help.. I am calling DVC right now.. Hugs.. see this is what I mean.. helping each other...Thanks everyone on this thread for the help, you have no idea what it means to me.... :grouphug:
On the phone with DVC and they are telling me this place is far from the restaurant.. I am not sure what the heck to do here..


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